At the end of
July we held a wonderful flower festival in church, organised by Glenys, it was
an incredible success, raising £1700 for church funds.
The flower arrangements were based on the theme 'This Wonderful World',
twenty two arrangements done by church members and friends. The titles of the arrangements varied from
'The Garden of Eden to 'Out of Africa', they were all so wonderful and varied
that it is impossible to describe them all. Every morning the arrangers turned up to remove any drooping flowers,
top up water etc. fighting against the amazingly hot weather. Roz produced
many posters, and information concerning the displays to her usual high
We must not forget the outside
helpers, putting up the tents, moving chairs and tables, luckily we were not
bothered by wind or rain. The weather of
course was ideal for the people sitting outside enjoying the home made cakes,
tea and coffee, all supplied and served by willing church members. Helpers turned up as promised, working on the
door, collecting money, the church
silver, displayed on the altar, was diligently guarded, the food servers
changed at regular intervals, as did those who offered to do the washing
All in all it was a marvellous
community effort – well done everybody. A big 'thank you' to everybody who
helped. SvdB.
refreshments outside the church during the Flower Festival |
(You can see photos of all the flower arrangements on the NEWS page. KM-D)