Monday, 30 November 2015

Advent Calendar

This year's Advent Calendar is available to view from December 1st, though as usual, you can't open any door before its due date (so no cheating!) You can reach it by clicking on the link above - if you can't see the words "Advent Calendar" on a red background, that will most likely be because your computer is remembering the last time you visited the church website, when the link wasn't available. Just press CTRL and F5, which will make your system go back and have another look.

All the video clips have been uploaded to YouTube, which means on the plus side that they will arrive at your computer fairly quickly, but on the minus side that you may get the odd adverts appearing. You can normally get rid of them by clicking on the "x" at the top right corner.

I haven't done this much video-editing before, so some of it is not terribly expert - apologies for that - but I hope you find it enjoyable even so. Very many thanks to all the people who agreed to take part; I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did. KM-D.